2024年3月1日検索版 (2024年11月27日公開)
本ページでは,NDBを活用した査読付き論文リストを掲載します。現時点で206編,内訳は特別抽出161編 (オンサイトリサーチセンターを含む),サンプリングデータセット27編,集計表情報18編となります。文献検索は,可能な限り慎重にしているものですが,完全性を保証するものではありません。追加・修正等をご要望の方は,事務局までご一報下さいませ。本リストは,毎年更新する予定ですので,NDBを活用している研究者の皆様におかれましては,論文掲載の際は,ぜひご一報下さいませ。検索式は,以下のものになり,ハンドサーチや研究者からの自発報告分を含みます。
- PubMed: (claims and NDB) OR (National Database of Health Insurance Claims) OR (National Database of Health Insurance Claim) OR (National Database of Japanese Health Insurance Claims) AND (Japan OR Japanese)
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- 髙田充隆: ナショナルデータベースを用いた低用量アスピリン療法における消化管傷害リスクに関する研究. 医療薬学 39(8): 471-481, 2013
- Matsuda S, Fujimori K: Analysis of disease structure for the regional health care plan based on the National Database. Asian Pac J Dis Manage 6(3-4): 61-66, 2014
- Matsuda S, Fujimori K: Analysis of health care region for psychiatric care based on the National Database. Asian Pac J Dis Manage 6(3-4): 67-72, 2014
- Murakami G, Muramatsu K, Hayashida K, Fijimori K, Matsuda S: Ecological analysis of factors associated with mortality of cerebral infarction in Japan. Asian Pac J Dis Manage 6(3): 73-76, 2014
- Okamoto E: Linkage rate between data from Health Checks and Health Insurance Claims in the Japan National Database. J Epidemiol 24(1): 77-83, 2014
- 宮川 尚子, 村上 義孝, 岡山 明, 角野 文彦, 三浦 克之: レセプト情報・特定健診等情報データベースを利用した滋賀県における循環器疾患危険因子の有病率,治療率,コントロール率. 日本公衛誌 61(7): 333-341, 2014
- 柴田 亜希子, 片野田 耕太, 松田 智大 他: がん患者数計測資料としてのレセプト情報等の利用可能性. 厚生の指標 61 (12): 6-12, 2014
- Hagiwara H, Nakano S, Ogawa Y, Tohkin M: The effectiveness of risk communication regarding drug safety information: a nationwide survey by the Japanese public health insurance claims data. J Clin Pharm Ther 40(3): 273-8, 2015
- Kubota K, Kamijima Y, Sato T, Ooba N, Koide D, Iizuka H, Nakagawa H: Epidemiology of psoriasis and palmoplantar pustulosis: a nationwide study using the Japanese national claims database. BMJ Open 5(1): e006450, 2015
- Otsubo T, Goto E, Morishima T, Ikai H, Yokota C, Minematsu K, Imanaka Y : Regional variations in in-hospital mortality, care processes, and spending in acute ischemic stroke patients in Japan. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 24(1): 239-51, 2015
- 恒石美登里,山本龍生,石井拓男,和田康志,杉山茂夫: 歯数と医科および歯科医療費との関連: レセプト情報・特定健診等情報データベースによる検討イカシカイリョウヒカンレン. 日本歯科医療管理学会雑誌 51(3): 136-142, 2016
- 細見 光一: ナショナルデータベースを用いた抗精神病薬による錐体外路系症状のリスクに関する解析. 医療薬学 Vol.42(2): 87-97, 2016
- Kitazawa T, Matsumoto K, Fujita S, Seto K, Hasegawa T: Cost analysis of transplantation in japan, performed with the use of the National Database. Transplant Proc 49(1): 4-9, 2017
- Okumura Y, Nishi D: Risk of recurrent overdose associated with prescribing patterns of psychotropic medications after nonfatal overdose. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 13: 653-665, 2017
- Okumura Y, Sakata N, Takahashi K, Nishi D, Tachimori H: Epidemiology of overdose episodes from the period prior to hospitalization for drug poisoning until discharge in Japan: An exploratory descriptive study using a nationwide claims database. J Epidemiol 27(8): 373-380, 2017
- Toyokawa S, Maeda E, Kobayashi Y : Estimation of the number of children with cerebral palsy using nationwide health insurance claims data in Japan. Dev Med Child Neurol 59(3): 317-321, 2017
- 恒石美登里, 山本龍生, 石井拓男, 佐藤保, 山口武之, 牧野利彦: レセプト情報・特定健診等情報データベースを用いた高齢者における歯数と誤嚥性肺炎による医科受診との関連. 老年歯学 32(3): 349-356, 2017
- 野田 龍也, 久保 慎一郎, 明神 大也, 西岡 祐一, 東野 恒之, 松居 宏樹, 加藤 源太, 今村 知明: レセプト情報・特定健診等情報データベース(NDB)における患者突合(名寄せ)手法の改良と検証. 厚生の指標 64 (12): 7-13, 2017
- Akazawa M, Konomura K, Shiroiwa T: Cost-minimization analysis of deep-brain stimulation Using National Database of Japanese Health Insurance Claims. Neuromodulation 21(6): 548-552, 2018
- Fujita M, Sugiyama M, Sato Y, Nagashima K, Takahashi S, Mizokami M, Hata A: Hepatitis B virus reactivation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: analysis of the National Database of Japan. J Viral Hepat 25(11): 1312-1320, 2018
- Fukuda H, Yano T, Shimono N: Inpatient expenditures attributable to hospital-onset clostridium difficile infection: a nationwide case-control study in Japan. Pharmacoeconomics 36(11): 1367-1376, 2018
- Ishimaru M, Matsui H, Ono S, Hagiwara Y, Morita K, Yasunaga H: Preoperative oral care and effect on postoperative complications after major cancer surgery. Br J Surg 105(12): 1688-1696, 2018
- Nakao YM, Miyamoto Y, Ueshima K, Nakao K, Nakai M, Nishimura K, Yasuno S, Hosoda K, Ogawa Y, Itoh H, Ogawa H, Kangawa K, Nakao K: Effectiveness of nationwide screening and lifestyle intervention for abdominal obesity and cardiometabolic risks in Japan: the metabolic syndrome and comprehensive lifestyle intervention study on nationwide database in Japan (MetS ACTION-J study). PLoS One 13(1): e0190862, 2018
- Okumura Y, Sakata N: Antidementia drug use in Japan: Bridging the research-to-practice gap. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 33(9): 1286-1287, 2018
- Okumura Y, Sugiyama N, Noda T : Timely follow-up visits after psychiatric hospitalization and readmission in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in Japan. Psychiatry Res 270: 490-495, 2018
- Okumura Y, Sugiyama N, Noda T, Sakata N : Association of high psychiatrist staffing with prolonged hospitalization, follow-up visits, and readmission in acute psychiatric units: a retrospective cohort study using a nationwide claims database. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 14: 893-902, 2018
- Okumura Y, Usami M, Okada T, Saito T, Negoro H, Tsujii N, Fujita J, Iida J: Glucose and prolactin monitoring in children and adolescents initiating antipsychotic therapy. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol 28(7): 454-462, 2018
- Sakata N, Okumura Y : Thyroid function tests before prescribing anti-dementia drugs: a retrospective observational study. Clin Interv Aging 13: 1219-1223, 2018
- Hayashi S, Noda T, Kubo S, Myojin T, Nishioka Y, Higashino T, Imamura T: Variation in fracture risk by season and weather: a comprehensive analysis across age and fracture site using a National Database of Health Insurance Claims in Japan. Bone 120: 512-518, 2019
- Iihara N, Ohara E, Bando Y, Yoshida T, Ohara M, Kirino Y : Fragility fractures in older people in Japan based on the National Health Insurance Claims Database. Biol Pharm Bull 42(5): 778-785, 2019
- Izumi K, Morimoto K, Hasegawa N, Uchimura K, Kawatsu L, Ato M, Mitarai S: Epidemiology of adults and children treated for nontuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease in Japan. Ann Am Thorac Soc 16(3): 341-347, 2019
- Kinoshita N, Morisaki N, Uda K, Kasai M, Horikoshi Y, Miyairi I: Nationwide study of outpatient oral antimicrobial utilization patterns for children in Japan (2013-2016). J Infect Chemother 25(1): 22-27, 2019
- Nojiri S, Itoh H, Kasai T, Fujibayashi K, Saito T, Hiratsuka Y, Okuzawa A, Naito T, Yokoyama K, Daida H: Comorbidity status in hospitalized elderly in Japan: analysis from national Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health checkups. Sci Rep 9(1): 20237, 2019
- Okumura Y, Sugiyama N, Noda T, Tachimori H : Psychiatric admissions and length of stay during fiscal years 2014 and 2015 in japan: a retrospective cohort study using a nationwide claims database. J Epidemiol 29(8): 288-294, 2019
- Okumura Y, Usami M, Okada T, Saito T, Negoro H, Tsujii N, Fujita J, Iida J : Prevalence, incidence and persistence of ADHD drug use in Japan. Epidemiol Psychiatr Sci 28(6): 692-696, 2019
- Sugiyama T, Imai K, Ihana-Sugiyama N, Tanaka H, Yanagisawa-Sugita A, Sasako T, Higashi T, Okamura T, Yamauchi T, Ueki K, Ohsugi M, Kadowaki T: Variation in process quality measures of diabetes care by region and institution in Japan during 2015–2016: An observational study of nationwide claims data. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 155: 107750, 2019
- 恒石 美登里, 山本 龍生, 山口 武之: 歯周炎病名の歯式を用いた歯種別の現在歯の状況 レセプト情報・特定健診等情報データベースによる横断研究. 日本歯科医療管理学会雑誌 54(3): 184-190, 2019
- Fukuda H, Sato D, Iwamoto T, Yamada K, Matsushita K: Healthcare resources attributable to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus orthopedic surgical site infections. Sci Rep 10(1): 17059, 2020
- Fukuda H, Sato D, Kato Y, Tsuruta W, Katsumata M, Hosoo H, Matsumaru Y, Yamamoto T: Comparing retreatments and expenditures in flow diversion versus coiling for unruptured intracranial aneurysm treatment: a retrospective cohort study using a real-world national database. Neurosurgery 87(1): 63-70, 2020
- Fukuda H, Sato D, Moriwaki K, Ishida H: Differences in healthcare expenditure estimates according to statistical approach: A nationwide claims database study on patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. PLoS One 15 (8): e0237316, 2020
- Fukuda H, Yano Y, Sato D, Ohde S, Noto S, Watanabe R, Takahashi O: Healthcare expenditures for the treatment of patients infected with hepatitis C virus in Japan. PharmacoEconomics 38(3): 297-306, 2020
- Fukuma S, Ikenoue T, Shimizu S, Norton EC, Saran R, Yanagita M, Kato G, Nakayama T, Fukuhara S: Quality of care in chronic kidney disease and incidence of end-stage renal disease in older patients: a cohort study. Med Care 58(7): 625-631, 2020
- Hashimoto H, Saito M, Sato J, Goda K, Mitsutake N, Kitsuregawa M, Nagai R, Hatakeyama S: Indications and classes of outpatient antibiotic prescriptions in Japan: A descriptive study using the national database of electronic health insurance claims, 2012-2015. Int J Infect Dis 91: 1-8, 2020
- Kajimoto Y, Kitajima T: Patient and national economic burden of dengue in Japan: results from Japanese National Claims Database. Am J Trop Med Hyg 102(6): 1237-1243, 2020
- Kajimoto Y, Kitajima T: Clinical management of patients with dengue infection in Japan: results from National Database of Health Insurance Claims. Am J Trop Med Hyg 102(1): 191-194, 2020
- Matsubayashi K, Kawakami K: Prevalence, incidence, comorbidities, and treatment patterns among Japanese patients with acromegaly: a descriptive study using a nationwide claims database. Endocr J 67(10): 997-1006, 2020
- Nakajima A, Sakai R, Inoue E, Harigai M: Prevalence of patients with rheumatoid arthritis and age-stratified trends in clinical characteristics and treatment, based on the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Int J Rheum Dis 23 (12): 1676-1684, 2020
- Nishioka Y, Noda T, Okada S, Myojin T, Kubo S, Higashino T, Ishii H, Imamura T: Incidence and seasonality of type 1 diabetes: a population-based 3-year cohort study using the National Database in Japan. BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care 8 (1): e001262, 2020
- Nishioka Y, Okada S, Noda T, Myojin T, Kubo S, Ohtera S, Kato G, Kuroda T, Ishii H, Imamura T: Absolute risk of acute coronary syndrome after severe hypoglycemia: population-based 2-year cohort study using the National Database in Japan. J Diabetes Investig 11(2): 426-434, 2020
- Ohara E, Bando Y, Yoshida T, Ohara M, Kirino Y, Iihara N : Central nervous system agent classes and fragility fracture risk among elderly Japanese individuals in a nationwide case-crossover design study. Biol Pharm Bull 43(2): 340-347, 2020
- Okubo Y, Michihata N, Uda K, Kinoshita N, Horikoshi Y, Miyairi I: Impacts of primary care physician system on healthcare utilization and antibiotic prescription: difference-in-differences and causal mediation analyses. Pediatr Infect Dis J 39(10): 937-942, 2020
- Suwanai H, Watanabe R, Sato M, Odawara M, Matsumura H: Dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor reduces the risk of developing hypertrophic scars and keloids following median sternotomy in diabetic patients. Plast Reconstr Surg 146(1): 83-89, 2020
- Suzuki S, Noda T, Nishioka Y, Imamura T, Kamijo H, Sugihara N: Evaluation of tooth loss among patients with diabetes mellitus using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Int Dent J 70(4): 308-315, 2020
- Fukuda H, Kiyohara K, Sato D, Kitamura T, Kodera S: A real-world comparison of 1-year survival and expenditures for transcatheter aortic valve replacements: SAPIEN 3 versus CoreValve versus Evolut R. Value Health 24 (4): 497-504, 2021
- Koizumi R, Kusama Y, Muraki Y, Ishikane M, Yamasaki D, Tanabe M, Ohmagari N : Effect of population inflow and outflow between rural and urban areas on regional antimicrobial use surveillance. PLoS One 16(3): e0248338, 2021
- Kusama Y, Muraki Y, Tanaka C, Koizumi R, Ishikane M, Yamasaki D, Tanabe M, Ohmagari N: Characteristics and limitations of national antimicrobial surveillance according to sales and claims data. PLoS One 16 (5): e0251299, 2021
- Maeda E, Ishihara O, Tomio J, Miura H, Kobayashi Y, Terada Y, Murata K, Nomura K: Cesarean delivery rates for overall and multiple pregnancies in Japan: a descriptive study using nationwide health insurance claims data. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 47(6): 2099-2109, 2021
- Maeda M, Fukuda H, Matsuo R, Ago T, Kitazono T, Kamouchi M: Regional disparity of reperfusion therapy for acute ischemic stroke in Japan: A retrospective analysis of nationwide claims data from 2010 to 2015. J Am Heart Assoc 10 (20): e021853, 2021
- Maeda M, Fukuda H, Matsuo R, Kiyuna F, Ago T, Kitazono T, Kamouchi M: Nationwide temporal trend analysis of reperfusion therapy utilization and mortality in acute ischemic stroke patients in Japan. Medicine (Baltimore) 100 (1): e24145, 2021
- Mita Y, Inose R, Goto R, Kusama Y, Koizumi R, Yamasaki D, Ishikane M, Tanabe M, Ohmagari N, Muraki Y: An alternative index for evaluating AMU and anti-methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus agent use: a study based on the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups data of Japan. J Infect Chemother 27(7): 972-976, 2021
- Nakatoh S, Fujimori K, Ishii S, Tamaki J, Okimoto N, Ogawa S, Iki M: Insufficient increase in bone mineral density testing rates and pharmacotherapy after hip and vertebral fracture: Analysis of the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Arch Osteoporos 16 (1): 130, 2021
- Nakatoh S, Fujimori K, Ishii S, Tamaki J, Okimoto N, Ogawa S, Iki M: Insufficient persistence to pharmacotherapy in Japanese patients with osteoporosis: An analysis of the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups in Japan. Arch Osteoporos 16 (1): 131, 2021
- Nishioka Y, Noda T, Okada S, Myojin T, Kubo S, Higashino T, Nakajima H, Sugiyama T, Ishii H, Imamura T: Association between influenza and the incidence rate of new-onset type 1 diabetes in Japan. J Diabetes Investig 12(10): 1797-1804, 2021
- Ohara E, Bando Y, Yoshida T, Ohara M, Kirino Y, Iihara N: Fracture risk increased by concurrent use of central nervous system agents in older people: nationwide case–crossover study. Res Social Adm Pharm 17(6): 1181-1197, 2021
- Sasayama D, Kuge R, Toibana Y, Honda H: Trends in autism spectrum disorder diagnoses in Japan, 2009 to 2019. JAMA Netw Open 4 (5): e219234, 2021
- Suzuki S, Noda T, Nishioka Y, Myojin T, Kubo S, Imamura T, Kamijo H, Sugihara N: Evaluation of public health expenditure by number of teeth among outpatients with diabetes mellitus. Bull Tokyo Dent Coll 62(1): 55-60, 2021
- Tsuneishi M, Yamamoto T, Yamaguchi T, Kodama T, Sato T: Association between number of teeth and Alzheimer’s disease using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. PLoS One 16 (4): e0251056, 2021
- Ueda A, Chigusa Y, Mogami H, Nakita B, Ohtera S, Kato G, Horie A, Mandai M, Kondoh E: Maternal near-miss attributable to haemorrhagic stroke in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in Japan: a national cohort study. Pregnancy Hypertens 25: 240-243, 2021
- 相野 早紀, 南部 智子, 大久 寛晴, 成川 衛: アルツハイマー病発症患者の特性探索及び発症リスクへの寄与因子に関する研究. 臨床精神薬理 24 (8): 841-857, 2021
- Bouchi R, Sugiyama T, Goto A, Imai K, Ihana-Sugiyama N, Ohsugi M, Yamauchi T, Kadowaki T, Ueki K: Retrospective nationwide study on the trends in first-line antidiabetic medication for patients with type 2 diabetes in Japan. J Diabetes Investig 13 (2): 280-291, 2022
- Hashimoto Y, Matsui H, Michihata N, Ishimaru M, Yasunaga H, Aihara M, Kaburaki T: Incidence of sympathetic ophthalmia after inciting events: A national database study in Japan. Ophthalmology 129(3): 344-352, 2022
- Hoshino E, Konomura K, Obatake M, Moriwaki K, Sakai M, Urayama KY, Shimozuma K: Direct health care cost of treatment and medication of biliary atresia patients using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups. Pediatr Surg Int 38 (4): 547-554, 2022
- Hoshino N, Hida K, Fukui Y, Takahashi Y, Nakayama T, Obama K: Relationship between diverting stoma and adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with rectal cancer: A nationwide study using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Int J Clin Oncol 27(3): 545-552, 2022
- Iki M, Fujimori K, Nakatoh S, Tamaki J, Ishii S, Okimoto N, Kamiya K, Ogawa S: Guideline adherence by physicians for management of glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis in Japan: A nationwide health insurance claims database study. Osteoporos Int 33(5): 1097-1108, 2022
- Iki M, Fujimori K, Nakatoh S, Tamaki J, Ishii S, Okimoto N, Kamiya K, Ogawa S: Delayed initiation of anti-osteoporosis medications increases subsequent hip and vertebral fractures in patients on long-term glucocorticoid therapy: A nationwide health insurance claims database study in Japan. Bone 160: 116396, 2022
- Ishida R, Yoshida S, Kashima S, Okazaki Y, Matsumoto M: The 2018 Japan floods increased the frequency of Yokukansan prescriptions among elderly: A retrospective cohort study. Front Nutr 8: 777330, 2022
- Ishimaru M, Ono S, Morita K, Matsui H, Hagiwara Y, Yasunaga H: Prevalence, incidence rate, and risk factors of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw in patients with osteoporosis and cancer: A nationwide population-based study in Japan. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 80(4): 714-727, 2022
- Iwamoto N, Morisaki N, Uda K, Kasai M, Kodama EN, Ohmagari N, Miyairi I: Change in use of pediatric oral antibiotics in Japan, pre- and post implementation of an antimicrobial resistance action plan. Pediatr Int 64(1): e15197, 2022
- Kanaoka K, Iwanaga Y, Fukuma N, Nakai M, Sumita Y, Nishioka Y, Okada K, Noda T, Sakata Y, Imamura T, Miyamoto Y: Trends and factors associated with cardiac rehabilitation participation: data from Japanese nationwide databases. Circ J 86(12): 1998-2007, 2022
- Kanaoka K, Iwanaga Y, Nakai M, Nishioka Y, Myojin T, Kubo S, Okada K, Soeda T, Noda T, Sakata Y, Miyamoto Y, Saito Y, Imamura T: Outpatient cardiac rehabilitation dose after acute coronary syndrome in a nationwide cohort. Heart 109(1): 40-46, 2022
- Kanaoka K, Iwanaga Y, Nakai M, Nishioka Y, Myojin T, Kubo S, Okada K, Soeda T, Noda T, Sakata Y, Miyamoto Y, Saito Y, Imamura T: Hospital- and patient-level analysis of quality indicators in acute coronary syndrome care: A nationwide database study. Can J Cardiol S0828-282X(22): 01057-1, 2022
- Kanaoka K, Nishida T, Nishioka Y, Myojin T, Kubo S, Soeda T, Okada K, Noda T, Iwanaga Y, Miyamoto Y, Sakata Y, Imamura T, Saito Y: The impact of hospital case volume on the outcomes after catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation according to the ablation technology. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 33(7): 1394-1402, 2022
- Kashima S, Yoshida S, Okazaki Y, Ishii S, Koike S, Matsumoto M: The 2018 Japan floods increased prescriptions of antidementia drugs among disaster victims. J Am Med Dir Assoc 23 (6): 1045-1051, 2022
- Kido A, Miyake M, Tamura H, Hiragi S, Kimura T, Ohtera S, Takahashi A, Ooto S, Kawakami K, Kuroda T, Tsujikawa A: Incidence of central serous chorioretinopathy (2011-2018): A nationwide population-based cohort study of Japan. Br J Ophthalmol 106(12): 1748-1753, 2022
- Kido A, Miyake M, Tamura H, Hiragi S, Kimura T, Yoshida S, Takeuchi M, Ohtera S, Takahashi A, Ooto S, Kawakami K, Kuroda T, Tsujikawa A: Incidence and real-world clinical practice of exudative age-related macular degeneration: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Ophthalmol Sci 2(2): 100125, 2022
- Kido A, Miyake M, Tamura H, Hiragi S, Kimura T, Yoshida S, Takeuchi M, Ohtera S, Takahashi A, Ooto S, Kawakami K, Kuroda T, Tsujikawa A: Incidence and clinical practice of exudative age-related macular degeneration: A nationwide population-based cohort study. Ophthalmol Sci 2(2): 100125, 2022
- Kubo S, Noda T, Myojin T, Nishioka Y, Kanno S, Higashino T, Nishimoto M, Eriguchi M, Samejima K, Tsuruya K, Imamura T: Tracing all patients who received insured dialysis treatment in Japan and the present situation of their number of deaths. Clin Exp Nephrol 26 (4): 360-367, 2022
- Kubota K, Ooba N: Effectiveness and safety of reduced and standard daily doses of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: A cohort study using national database representing the Japanese population. Clin Epidemiol 14: 623-639, 2022
- Kuwata H, Nishioka Y, Noda T, Kubo S, Myojin T, Higashino T, Takahashi Y, Ishii H, Imamura T: Association between dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors and increased risk for bullous pemphigoid within 3 months from first use: A 5-year population-based cohort study using the Japanese national database. J Diabetes Investig 13(3): 460-467, 2022
- Mizuno K, Inose R, Matsui Y, Takata M, Yamasaki D, Kusama Y, Koizumi R, Ishikane M, Tanabe M, Ohge H, Ohmagari N, Muraki Y: Search for indexes to evaluate trends in antibiotic use in the sub-prefectural regions using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Antibiotics (Basel) 11(6): 763, 2022
- Mori T, Komiyama J, Fujii T, Sanuki M, Kume K, Kato G, Mori Y, Ueshima H, Matsui H, Tamiya N, Sugiyama T: Medical expenditures for fragility hip fracture in Japan: A study using the nationwide health insurance claims database. Arch Osteoporos 17(1): 61, 2022
- Myojin T, Noda T, Kubo S, Nishioka Y, Higashino T, Imamura T: Development of a new method to trace patient data using the national database in Japan. Advanced Biomedical Engineering 11: 203-217, 2022
- Naito T, Fujibayashi K, Mori H, Fukushima S, Yuda M, Fukui N, Tsukamoto S, Suzuki M, Goto-Hirano K, Kuwatsuru R: Delayed diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus infection in people diagnosed with syphilis: A nationwide cohort study from 2011 to 2018 in Japan. J Infect Chemother 28 (2): 333-335, 2022
- Naito T, Mori H, Fujibayashi K, Fukushima S, Yuda M, Fukui N, Suzuki M, Goto-Hirano K, Kuwatsuru R: Syphilis in people living with HIV does not account for the syphilis resurgence in Japan. J Infect Chemother 28(11): 1494-1500, 2022
- Naito T, Mori H, Fujibayashi K, Fukushima S, Yuda M, Fukui N, Tsukamoto S, Suzuki M, Goto-Hirano K, Kuwatsuru R: Analysis of antiretroviral therapy switch rate and switching pattern for people living with HIV from a national database in Japan. Sci Rep 12(1): 1732, 2022
- Naito T, Suzuki M, Fukushima S, Yuda M, Fukui N, Tsukamoto S, Fujibayashi K, Goto-Hirano K, Kuwatsuru R: Comorbidities and co-medications among 28089 people living with HIV: A nationwide cohort study from 2009 to 2019 in Japan. HIV Med 23 (5): 485-493, 2022
- Nakai M, Iwanaga Y, Kanaoka K, Sumita Y, Nishioka Y, Myojin T, Kubo S, Okada K, Soeda T, Noda T, Sakata Y, Imamura T, Saito Y, Yasuda S, Miyamoto Y: Contemporary use of SGLT2 inhibitors in heart failure patients with diabetes mellitus: A comparison of DPP4 inhibitors in a nationwide electric health database of the superaged society. Cardiovasc Diabetol 21(1): 157, 2022
- Nakai M, Iwanaga Y, Kanaoka K, Sumita Y, Nishioka Y, Myojin T, Kubo S, Okada K, Soeda T, Noda T, Sakata Y, Imamura T, Saito Y, Yasuda S, Miyamoto Y: Age-dependent association of discharge heart-failure medications with clinical outcomes in a super-aged society. Biomed Pharmacother 155: 113761, 2022
- Nakajima A, Sakai R, Inoue E, Harigai M: Geographic variations in rheumatoid arthritis treatment in Japan: A nationwide retrospective study using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Mod Rheumatol 32(1): 105-113, 2022
- Nakatoh S, Fujimori K, Ishii S, Tamaki J, Okimoto N, Ogawa S, Iki M: Association of pharmacotherapy with the second hip fracture incidence in women: A retrospective analysis of the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Geriatr Gerontol Int 22(11): 930-937, 2022
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- Okazaki Y, Yoshida S, Kashima S, Ishii S, Koike S, Matsumoto M: Impact of the 2018 Japan Floods on benzodiazepine use: A longitudinal analysis based on the National Database of Health Insurance Claims. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 57(12): 2411-2421, 2022
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- Okazaki Y, Yoshida S, Kashima S, Miyamori D, Matsumoto M: Increased prescriptions for irritable bowel syndrome after the 2018 Japan Floods: A longitudinal analysis based on the Japanese National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups. BMC Gastroenterol 22(1): 263, 2022
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- Sawada S, Kajiyama K, Shida H, Kimura R, Nakazato Y, Iguchi T, Oniyama Y, Ishiguro C, Uyama Y: Cardiovascular risk of urate-lowering drugs: A study using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Clin Transl Sci 16(2): 206-215, 2022
- Takabayashi K, Ando F, Ikeda K, Fujita S, Nakajima H, Hanaoka H, Suzuki T: Trend in prescription and treatment retention of molecular-targeted drugs in 121,131 Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A population-based real-world study. Mod Rheumatol 32(5): 857-865, 2022
- Tsunoda R, Mitsutake N, Ishikawa T, Sato J, Goda K, Nakashima N, Kitsuregawa M, Yamagata K: Monthly trends and seasonality of hemodialysis treatment and outcomes of newly initiated patients from the national database (NDB) of Japan. Clinical and Experimental Nephrology 26(7): 669-677, 2022
- Ueda A, Nakakita B, Chigusa Y, Mogami H, Ohtera S, Kato G, Mandai M, Kondoh E: Impact of efforts to prevent maternal deaths due to obstetric hemorrhage on trends in epidemiology and management of severe postpartum hemorrhage in Japan: a nationwide retrospective study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 22 (1): 496, 2022
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- Hosoi T, Yakabe M, Matsumoto S, Fujimori K, Tamaki J, Nakatoh S, Ishii S, Okimoto N, Kamiya K, Akishita M, Iki M, Ogawa S: Relationship between antidementia medication and fracture prevention in patients with Alzheimer’s dementia using a nationwide health insurance claims database. Sci Rep 13(1): 6893, 2023
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- Ikeda A, Fujii M, Ohno Y, Godai K, Li Y, Nakamura Y, Yabe D, Tsushita K, Kashihara N, Kamide K, Kabayama M: Effect of the Diabetic Nephropathy Aggravation Prevention Program on medical visit behavior in individuals under the municipal national health insurance. J Diabetes Investig 14(6): 782-791, 2023
- Iki M, Fujimori K, Nakatoh S, Tamaki J, Ishii S, Okimoto N, Kamiya K, Ogawa S: Real-world effectiveness of anti-osteoporosis medications for the prevention of incident hip and clinical vertebral fractures in patients on long-term glucocorticoid therapy: A nationwide health insurance claims database study in Japan. Bone 166: 116605, 2023
- Imai T, Hosoi T, Hagino H, Yamamoto T, Kuroda T, Watanabe H, Tanaka S: Antiresorptive drugs and the risk of femoral shaft fracture in men and women with osteoporosis: A cohort study using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims of Japan. J Epidemiol 33(12): 633-639, 2023
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- Miyashita K, Hozumi H, Furuhashi K, Nakatani E, Inoue Y, Yasui H, Karayama M, Suzuki Y, Fujisawa T, Enomoto N, Inui N, Ojima T, Suda T: Changes in the characteristics and outcomes of COVID-19 patients from the early pandemic to the delta variant epidemic: a nationwide population-based study. Emerg Microbes Infect 12(1): 2155250, 2023
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- Muro T, Ando F, Suehiro M, Nakagawa H, Okuda C, Matsumoto T, Izumikawa K, Honda M, Sasaki H: Utility of blood culture in patients with community-acquired pneumonia: A propensity score-matched analysis based on a Japanese national health insurance database. Biol Pharm Bull 46 (2): 237-244, 2023
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- Nakatoh S, Fujimori K, Ishii S, Tamaki J, Okimoto N, Ogawa S, Iki M: Association between pharmacotherapy and secondary hip fracture in a real-world setting: a nationwide database study. J Bone Miner Metab 41(2): 248-257, 2023
- Nishimura Y, Inagaki Y, Noda T, Nishioka Y, Myojin T, Ogawa M, Kido A, Imamura T, Tanaka Y: Risk factors for mortality after hip fracture surgery in Japan using the National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups of Japan. Arch Osteoporos 18(1): 91, 2023
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- Shida H, Kajiyama K, Sawada S, Ishiguro C, Kubo M, Kimura R, Hirano M, Komiyama N, Iguchi T, Oniyama Y, Uyama Y: Use of National Database of Health Insurance Claims and Specific Health Checkups for examining practical utilization and safety signal of a drug to support regulatory assessment on postmarketing drug safety in Japan. Front Med (Lausanne) 10: 1096992, 2023
- Sun Y, Iwagami M, Komiyama J, Sugiyama T, Inokuchi R, Sakata N, Ito T, Yoshie S, Matsui H, Kume K, Sanuki M, Kato G, Mori Y, Ueshima H, Tamiya N: The effect of home care support clinics on hospital readmission in heart failure patients in Japan. J Gen Intern Med 38(9): 2156-2163, 2023
- Sun Y, Iwagami M, Komiyama J, Sugiyama T, Inokuchi R, Sakata N, Ito T, Yoshie S, Matsui H, Kume K, Sanuki M, Kato G, Mori Y, Ueshima H, Tamiya N: Association between types of home healthcare and emergency house calls, hospitalization, and end- of-life care in Japan. J Am Geriatr Soc 71(6): 1795-1805, 2023
- Takabayashi K, Ando F, Ikeda K, Nakajima H, Hanaoka H, Suzuki T : Incidence of opportunistic infections in patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with different molecular-targeted drugs: A population-based retrospective cohort study. Mod Rheumatol 33(6): 1078-1086, 2023
- Tamaki J, Ogawa S, Fujimori K, Ishii S, Nakatoh S, Okimoto N, Kamiya K, Iki M: Hip and vertebral fracture risk after initiating antidiabetic drugs in Japanese elderly: A nationwide study. J Bone Miner Metab 41 (1): 29-40, 2023
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- Iki M, Fujimori K, Nakatoh S, Tamaki J, Ishii S, Okimoto N, Imano H, Ogawa S: Average daily glucocorticoid dose, number of prescription days, and cumulative dose in the initial 90 days of glucocorticoid therapy are associated with subsequent hip and clinical vertebral fracture risk: a retrospective cohort study using a nationwide health insurance claims database in Japan. Osteoporos Int, 2024
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